Credit card debt is a burgeoning problem among the campuses. Although most students can handle credit well, a significant minority gets into debt. Causes include beliefs about future earnings, debt attitudes and financial knowledge. Many students have not had financial training and, among those who have, classes do not necessarily cause behavioral changes. Colleges, parents, and public policy makers must work together to resolve the problems of student consumer debt. Suggestions are made for college policy with respect to credit card solicitation.
There are some example of causes of credit card debts:
(1)Americans Slammed by Credit Card Debt
(2)Credit Card Debt on College Campuses
(1)Americans Slammed by Credit Card Debt
(2)Credit Card Debt on College Campuses
How to get out of ur debts???
There are 3 Steps...
Step 1: Understand Your Spending
Step 2: Repay Sensibly
Step 3: Get financially health
Atlast, Prevent Future Credit Card Debt Don't let credit card companies take advantage of you!
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